Mastercard Announces Blockchain APIs for Developers


Not to fall too far behind Visa in terms of Blockchain Innovation, Mastercard, with little press or fanfare, has added three Blockchain APIs to its developer site.

  • Blockchain Core API – Run your own Blockchain nodes, define your own transaction types, and manage your participation in a Blockchain network.
  • Smart Contracts API – Write custom scripts using Mastercard’s smart contract language for use in your custom Blockchain applications.
  • Fast Pay Network API  – Understand your instantaneous net position, do real-time reconciliation, execute settlement and generate your own custom reports.

From the site:

“Mastercard Blockchain facilitates new commerce opportunities for the digital transfer of value by allowing businesses and financial institutions to transact on a distributed ledger.  Our technology can power multiple use cases and can help take time, cost and risk out of financial flows.”