Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Monthly Archives: July, 2017

Disrupting the $30Billion Event Ticketing Industry with Blockchain – KickCity announces ICO

KickCity,  a revenue generating Event Startup that plans to disrupt the event industry is introducing KICK – a decentralized, transparent and reward-based event token....

Decentralized Professional Network Indorse Gives Users The Power Of Their Data Back

Indorse, a new social platform built on Ethereum seeking to change the shape of professional social networking has commenced its Token pre-sale leading up...

Fujitsu Cranks Up Transaction Processing on the Blockchain

Fujitsu Laboratories Ltd. today announced the development of technology that accelerates transaction processing for Hyperledger Fabric, one of the Hyperledger Blockchain frameworks hosted by...

Wabi and Walimai – Solving China’s Food Safety Issues Through Blockchain

In preparation for the ICO campaign which is to be launched in September 2017,  Wabi  and Walimai are announcing the opening of the pre-sale campaign... Foundation to Create a XEM Exchange

The Foundation, creators of the peer-to-peer NEM blockchain platform providing payments, messaging, asset making and more, and Australia’s leading blockchain company, Blockchain Global...

Zeppelin Solutions Introduces ZeppelinOS: An Operating System for Smart Contract Applications

Zepplin Solutions has just announced they are working on zeppelinOS - an open-source, distributed platform of tools and services on top of the Ethereum...

Hash Rush, the First Hash-Powered Online Game to Launch Token Sale

Latvian mining and gaming engineers and developers have teamed  up with an international group of creatives to build the world's first astrategic web-game fueled...

The US SEC Issues Investigative Report on ICOs and Token Sales – Calling Some Securities

The US Securities and Exchange Commission issued an investigative report yesterday cautioning market participants that offers and sales of digital assets by "virtual" organizations are...

ACT, a Decentralized Autonomous Organization for Citizen Action, is using the Ether Cryptocurrency to support a Community Fighting Opencast Coal Mining in Wales

In August 2015 their council in Caerphilly unanimously rejected mining company Miller-Argent’s proposal for a new open cast coal mine because of harmful pollution....

Giant Pepe and Vitalik Buterin Busts Capture Attention as Uncensorable Art in Decentraland Alpha

Decentraland unveiled the world's first uncensorable internet meme art today in two giant busts, the first called ‘DecentraPepe’ and the second called ‘Vitalik Busterin’....

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