Telegram Open Network Labs Releases Development Suite for TON Blockchain


Leading infrastructure developer for the highly anticipated Telegram Open Network (TON) protocol and ecosystem,  TON Labs,  has released news of its TON Labs Node SE (Startup Edition). The source code and complete development suite for the forthcoming and highly anticipated Telegram Open Network (TON) blockchain were released late last week. Developers can join here. 

“We are thrilled by the latest release of the source code of Full Node by Telegram. We have been security auditing, testing and debugging different parts of TON blockchain for the past several months,” said Alexander Filatov, TON Labs CEO. “TON Labs is running about 10% of its current test net capacity with Full Nodes and Validators. Stability and performance alike look very promising so far. We will contribute all necessary engineering resources to support TON blockchain’s public release due in October.” 

The TON blockchain source code is a comprehensive, cutting-edge implementation of Proof of Stake (PoS) protocol with sharding that consists of more than 450,000 lines of code developed by Telegram. For the last year and a half, TON Labs has developed, tested and released more than 400,000 lines of complementary code for the TON ecosystem. 

“Our developer tools, based on the bespoke implementation of TON Node in the RUST programming language, plus the modified Solidity compiler and LLVM backend toolchain, provide an easy way for both blockchain and non-blockchain developers to address the more than 300 million on Telegram messenger right away,” said Mitja Goroshevsky, TON Labs CTO.

“Our SDK Client Libraries make it super easy to interact with TON on every platform. No blockchain ever has addressed such a vast user base with such a comprehensive set of tools from day one. And this is just the Startup Edition.”

TON Labs Node SE contains five components:

  1. TON Compiler Kit – Compile TON smart contracts from Solidity source code and LLVM-compliant languages. Many developers can reuse their current programming skills to create TON smart contracts in C. Blockchain developers can migrate code from their previous projects on Ethereum to TON with minor tweaks, too.
  2. TON Labs Node – Debug and test your smart contracts in a controlled environment with a TON Labs proprietary implementation of TON Node in Rust that acts just like a production node.
  3. TON Client Libraries – An open standard to connect your apps to TON.
  4. TON Labs SDK CLI Tool – Simplify the development of apps with this command-line tool. (Coming soon)
  5. TON Developers Documentation – Don’t know where to start? Start here. Learn to develop smart contracts, deploy them, and interact with them through our internal library. 

The TON Client Library contains several modules:

  • Crypto – TON-related cryptography functions. 
  • Contracts – TON smart contract deployment and management. 
  • Queries – TON blockchain-stored information, plus real-time monitoring and querying. 

TON Labs Node SE is packed with built-ins and features helping developers, including:

  • Compile deployment-ready smart contracts into TON format. 
  • Test and debug smart contracts using a TON Labs proprietary implementation of TON Node in Rust. 
  • Quickly and easily take advantage of TON via the TON Client Library: 
    • Deploy and run smart contracts on release. 
    • Interact with blockchain-stored information. 
    • Keep track of changes in the blockchain. 
    • Use breakthrough encryption, signing, and other state-of-the-art TON features. 

With the TON Client Library, the company aims to create a mid-layer between developers of all kinds and Telegram Open Network.  The Node SE image is available for developers’ download now from DockerHub.

TON Labs is an independent core infrastructure developer for TON (Telegram Open Network) ecosystem. Its secure and accessible TON.Dev and TON.Space environments will deliver a TON full node implementation, a versatile toolchain, and a cutting-edge SDK, in addition to novel ways for users to interact with fintech services.