Address by Eddie Astanin, Chairman of NSD’s Executive Board
Transparent and balanced: New Trade Repository Fee schedule from 1 July 2020
Notice of NSD's Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders
Official data from the single source
OTC and On-Exchange Clearing
Faster and more convenient with a Single Account
Repo with the Finance Committee of St. Petersburg
E-voting at general meetings of shareholders from anywhere in the world
Format and Logical Control
Check of details of trades being reported to the Trade Repository against the applicable statutory criteria
Transit 2.0
Financial Messaging Platform
Bank Account Services
Bank account services for corporations' transactions in the financial market
Небанковская кредитная организация акционерное общество «Национальный расчетный депозитарий»
ул. Спартаковская, дом 12 105066 г. Москва
+7 495 234-48-27, +7 495 956-09-38,
Business areas
NSD provides securities settlement services covering a wide range of financial instruments and maintains correspondent relations with a widespread network of ICSDs and foreign banks.
NSD sets standards in data processing in the Russian financial market and provides market participants and the regulator with unique reference information that has the legal and actual status of 'golden copy'
Daily monitoring of collateral adequacy, issuance of margin calls, collateral reporting, and corporate actions processing.
A systemically important market infrastructure responsible for registration of OTC repo and derivative trades; the key participant of the Marketplace project, acting as Registrar of Financial Transactions.
Banking services are provided as a standalone type of services integrated into NSD's depository and clearing businesses, thus making it possible for clients to settle their trades both in the exchange and OTC markets, in Russian rubles and foreign currencies.
As part of its IT Services business line, NSD offers its clients reliable and advanced services for access to financial products, transit of financial messages, and technology backup solutions.

Awards and ratings

J.P. Morgan
Highest quality of interbank payment instructions MT202 (99.91% of STP payments) and the highest quality of commercial payment instructions MT103 (99.60% of STP payments)
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